Category Archives: Mongolia

mei 2023

Consultancy, Outreach & Training – Mongolia May 2023

In May 2023 I was invited to offer three days of training for the Dutch Corrie van der Esch and her team of Sergelt Ood in UlaanBator in Mongolia. This team has been providing outreaches to homeless alcoholics in UlaanBator for many years. During these outreaches, food is distributed, medical and psychological care is provided

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mei 2022

Consultancy, Outreach & Training – Mongolia May 2022

In November 2022 I was invited to offer a training for the employees of NGO Sergelt Ood in Mongolia. Founder of this NGO is Corrie van der Esch from the Netherlands. Sergelt Ood is a Christian faith based NGO that reaches out to mainly homeless alcoholics. The care-approach includes weekly visits to the target group

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jun 2019

Consultancy, Outreach & Training – Mongolia May 2019

In May 2019 I spend two weeks in Mongolia supporting the work of Dutch Corrie van der Esch and her Sergelt team that reaches out to homeless alcoholics. An intense period visiting the target group on the streets of capital city Ulaan Baator where the team welcomes their visitors with tremendous respect and provides food,

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mei 2018

Quotes participants training ‘A Theory of Presence’ – Mongolia

Quotes participants training ‘A Theory of Presence’ Ulaan Bator / Mongolia 7 – 11 may 2018 And further from other participants: ‘It has changed my way of thinking’ ‘This training shows my weaknesses’ ‘This training is very relevant for the work I do’ ‘I learned that clients like to be understood and accepted’ ‘I understand

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