Trainings in the Netherlands and abroad
This year I am invited to provide several trainings in the Netherlands and abroad.
In Sta op Zorg in Vlissingen I shared the topic with the workers (March 2019) of understanding the road from addiction to recovery from an insight perspective. What is it to be an addict and what issues do you face if you have to battle your addiction and find a healthy new existence? In De Brug in Katwijk I am requested again this year (May, July and November 2019) to train the workers in Motivational Interviewing.
As well this year I am invited to provide a number of trainings for the staff (and some clients) of Teen Challenge in Romania ( Teen Challenge is providing addiction treatment in Romania since 2006 and has four centres for persons struggling with addiction. One women centre in Balotesti and a men centre in Baia Mare, Gradistea and in Timisoara. Several time this year all workers join in Bucharest to be trained in topics like working with treatment plans and Motivational Interviewing.